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Type the information between the markup tags. All markup tags are marked with "++"
For example: ++ TAB1 Online Course TAB1 ++
++TAB1Study GuideTAB1++
++TAB2Practice TestTAB2++
(About) ++TAB3the OARTAB3++
++TOPTITLEAbout the OAR Study GuideTOPTITLE++
++CONTENTThe OAR Study Guide gives you the edge you need to score higher and pass the OAR your first time!
Quick but complete review of each topic on the OAR
3 realistic practice tests with full answer explanations
Tips and tricks from experienced teachers and tutors
Access to online flash cards and cheat sheetsCONTENT++
++TITLELook InsideTITLE++
++TITLEAdditional Title InformationTITLE++
++CONTENTTitle: OAR Study Guide: 500+ Practice Questions and Officer Aptitude Rating Test Prep [5th Edition]
Release Date: August 6, 2023
Length: 136 pages
ISBN: 9781637988169CONTENT++
++TOPTITLEAbout the OAR Study GuideTOPTITLE++
++CONTENTPrepping to pass the Officer Aptitude Rating exam has never been easier. Introducing Trivium Test Prep’s unofficial OAR Practice Book: Practice Test Questions for the Officer Aptitude Rating Exam offers:
2 FULL Practice Tests
Detailed Answer Explanations
OAR Test Information
Everything you need to feel prepared!
Trivium Test Prep's OAR Practice Book will quiz you on:
Math Skills
Reading Comprehension
Mechanical ComprehensionCONTENT++
++TITLELook InsideTITLE++
++TITLEAdditional Title InformationTITLE++
++CONTENTTitle: OAR Practice Book: Practice Test Questions for the Officer Aptitude Rating Exam
Release Date: March 21, 2022
Length: 64 pages
ISBN: 9781637980897CONTENT++
Have questions about the OAR exam? Click below to find the answers you need.
++QUESTION Do I need to take the OAR? QUESTION++
++QUESTION How do I register for the OAR exam? QUESTION++
++QUESTION Who is eligible for the OAR exam? QUESTION++
++QUESTION What is on the OAR? QUESTION++
++QUESTION What is computer adaptive testing (CAT)? QUESTION++
++QUESTION How long is the OAR? QUESTION++
++QUESTION How is the OAR administered? QUESTION++
++QUESTION How is the OAR scored? QUESTION++
++QUESTION How do you get your OAR score? QUESTION++
++QUESTION Can you fail the OAR? QUESTION++
++QUESTION Can you retake the OAR? QUESTION++
++ANSWERWhat is the OAR?
The Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR) test is a subset of the Aviation Standard Test Battery (ASTB) and is used by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard to select officer aviation program applicants. The OAR is administered at Navy Recruiting Districts (NRDs) and covers concepts of Math Skills, Reading Comprehension, and Mechanical Comprehension.ANSWER++
++ANSWERDo I need to take the OAR?
The ASTB-E is used to determine eligibility of college graduates desiring to become an aviation officer (pilot and first officer) in the US Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. Individuals applying for non aviation officer programs, such as Officer Candidate School (OCS), may only be required to take the OAR portions of the test.ANSWER++
++ANSWERHow do I register for the OAR exam?
The ASTB-E is administered at Navy Recruiting Districts (NRDs), Navy ROTC units at selected universities, and Marine Corps Officer Selection Offices (OSOs).ANSWER++
++ANSWERWho is eligible for the OAR exam?
High school candidates applying for the navy and coast guard military academies or NROTC and college graduates with a bachelor degree are eligible academically to take the exam.ANSWER++
++ANSWERWhat is on the OAR?
There are 3 sections on the OAR as follows:
1. Math Skills Test (MST) – 30 questions, 40 minutes
2. Reading Comprehension Test (RCT) – 20 questions, 30 minutes
3. Mechanical Comprehension Test (MCT) – 30 questions, 15 minutes.ANSWER++
++ANSWERWhat is computer adaptive testing (CAT)?
Computer adaptive testing (CAT) allows the test administrators to get a more complete view of your skills in less time and with fewer questions. These tests start with a question of average difficulty. If you answer this question correctly, the next question will be harder; if you answer it incorrectly, the next question will be easier. This continues as you go through the section, with questions getting harder or easier based on how well you perform. Once you’ve answered enough questions for the computer to determine your score, that section of the test will end.ANSWER++
++ANSWERHow long is the OAR?
You are given a total of one hour and 25 minutes to complete the OAR. The pencil and paper version is a total of 80 questions, and the CAT version is between 60-90 questions.ANSWER++
++ANSWERHow is the OAR administered?
The ASTB and OAR are offered at over 250 registered locations around the world including military institutes, Naval officer recruiting stations, and Marine Corps officer selection offices. Candidates should contact their recruitment officers to schedule a testing appointment.ANSWER++
++ANSWERHow is the OAR scored?
The OAR is scored from 20 – 80 using one point increments. Average scores range between 40 and 60. To be considered for the Navy's OCS, an applicant must achieve a minimum OAR score of 35.ANSWER++
++ANSWERHow do you get your OAR score?
The ASTB-E paper exam is sent back to NOMI for scoring. Unlike other military aptitude tests, recruiters are not provided an unofficial score and must wait for the official score.The ASTB-E CAT exam is scored immediately after completing the exam.ANSWER++
++ANSWERCan you fail the OAR?
Non aviation candidates who only take the OAR portion of the ASTB-E will receive one rating as the OAR. Scores are ranked from 20 to 80 based on three subtests (MST, RST, and MCT). For current minimum score eligibility requirements, contact your recruiter or refer to the Navy Personnel Command Program Authorizations 106 and 107 and Marine Corps Order 1542.11.ANSWER++
++ANSWERCan you retake the OAR?
There is a three-time lifetime limit to attempt the ASTB-E. If a candidate wishes to retest, the date of retest must be no earlier than thirty-one days after the date the initial exam was taken. If a second retest is desired, the candidate may retest not earlier than ninety-one days after first retest. Exam results of candidates who previously took the ASTB-E (Form 1 through Form 5) do not count toward the three-time lifetime limit; however, those results remain valid until another ASTB-E is taken.ANSWER++